Hearthstone VR prototype exists kinda

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Blizzard’s Principle Narrative Designer Dave Kosak and Lead Effects Artist Hadidjah Chamberlain have revealed that a VR version of Hearthstone was in development at one point – the catch being, it was only in development for a couple of weeks during Blizzard’s annual Free Your Mind event.

Kosak told PowerUp that devs once played around with an internal Hearthstone VR prototype, though he believes that Hearthstone players probably wouldn’t ultimately go nuts for the concept.

“They actually prototyped a VR version of Hearthstone during that time. You could walk around The Tavern and sit down to play a game with someone,” Chamberlain explained. “They only had two weeks, so they only got as far (allowing you to) throw cards at the table and you could flip the table over!”

As someone who frequently gets angry enough to legit flip a real life table over when losing at Hearthstone, I can’t help but support this ingenious feature.

Kosak also admitted during his conversation with the site that he’d deliberately avoided talking about Hearthstone VR just in case they started getting nagged for a look at it.

The cat is out of the bag now, and yes, so when can we have it?

Wireframe #30 is out now

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