A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.
Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-size chunks, as often as we can.
Read on…
And It Hasn’t Even Been POoblished Yet
Fallout from the controversial announcement that Double Fine has been acquired by Microsoft now includes a change of path for Ooblets. The indie farming game’s dev team has confirmed that it now plans to self-publish going forward.
Some very exciting news: We're now officially self-publishing Ooblets! 👑🕶️🥁 pic.twitter.com/KjzvzSZSlt
— Ooblets (@ooblets) June 10, 2019
Big Breaths
Nintendo blitzed through a whole bunch of exciting reveals yesterday (Resident Evil 5 and 6! Alien Isolation! The Witcher 3!) but the big news was objectively that a full sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is in the works, and that there’ll be a delay to the upcoming Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Nintendo Switch, which will now be released in March, 2020.
Take MY Breath Away
The guy that shouted “you’re breathtaking!” at Keanu Reeves during Microsoft’s Cyberpunk 2077 reveal at E3 is getting a free copy of the game from CD Projekt. And yet when WE shout stuff at Keanu Reeves, it’s “what are you doing in my house?” and “this violates the restraining order!” Pfft, typical.
And it got you a free #Cyberpunk2077 Collector’s Edition on top! Check your DMs.
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) June 10, 2019
Density, Too
Destiny 3 is a long way off, as Bungie “want to stick to Destiny 2 for the forseeable future.”
Yeah when I get this Splitscreen ep up with Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy you'll hear that they very much feel that way – they want to stick to D2 for the foreseeable future
— Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) June 11, 2019
So. That’s that.
Half Light
Dying Light 2’s lead designer Tymon Smektala says you’ll only see around 50% of the game on your first playthrough. Decisions you make throughout the course of the game will affect your ability to access certain areas of The City, meaning that if you want to explore the rest, you’ll have to do it all again in different ways.
All In The Family
Romero Games has announced Empire Of Sin, a new mafia strategy game.
“This exciting strategy game from Romero Games and Paradox Interactive puts you at the heart of the ruthless criminal underworld of Prohibition-era Chicago. It’s up to you to hustle, charm and intimidate your way to the top of the pile and do whatever it takes to stay there. As a player, you’ll be smack-dab in the glitz and glamour of the roaring 20s, giving you a chance to thrive in the gritty underbelly of organised crime.”
It’ll be out on Switch and PC next year. Until then? Fugeddaboudit!
Mini Me
The PC Engine – known in America as the TurboGrafx – is making a surprise reappearance thanks to Konami. Having purchased HudsonSoft a few years back, Konami’s now the custodian of the company’s back-catalogue, which means it’s now (belatedly) joining the mini console rush kickstarted by Nintendo’s NES Classic Mini.
Curiously, Konami’s PC Engine Mini (or TurboGrafx Mini) doesn’t look much smaller than the original console, which was already pretty small to begin with. Still, currently announced games in the system’s line-up include New Adventure Island, R-Type, Alien Crush and Ys Book I & II.
More games have still to be unveiled, but with the Mini supporting up to five controllers through a multitap (sold separately, of course) we’d say at least one Bomberman game’s a shoo-in. Otherwise, what’s the point?
The PC Engine Mini, in three regional flavours.
X-COM creator Julian Gollop’s studio, Snapshot Games, has inked a release date for Phoenix Point, which looks like a good time for X-COM lovers. Out on 3rd September, Phoenix Point is apparently no longer an Epic Games Store exclusive, and will be included with the Xbox Game Pass.
Clap your eyes on it:
Safety In Numbers
Google is testing a new feature for Maps that’ll tell you if your driver is taking the long route, according to BGR, sending an alert to your phone every time you veer off course by 500m.
Have a check off and on to see if Maps has updated to include the test feature for you – you’ll see a ‘Stay safer’ or ‘Get off-route alerts’ button.
Seems like a good idea for keeping you safer in an area you don’t know, too, and not just for keeping an eye on your taxi driver’s whims.