News from the virtual front – 14th June

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A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.

Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-size chunks, as often as we can.

Read on…

Fark Date

Microsoft’s E3 presser yielded some surprising news in its Gears 5 presentation – that the game would perhaps include some kind of Terminator tie-in content. Game Informer got some nice extra details about the upcoming partnership from Coalition studio head Rod Fergusson afterwards, confirming that the Terminator: Dark Fate Pack for Gears 5 will come complete with the T-800 and the voice of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor.

Okay, that is… pretty cool, yes.

Gun On The Run

If you don’t mind dealing with the Epic Games Store, this week’s “Something For The Weekend” is dungeon crawler Enter the Gungeon, which is free for the next week.

Have a look and see if you fancy it:

Also free for the next week? The Division 2 at Ubisoft. Have fun!

Mirror, Mirror

Psychological thriller game Twin Mirror, a new title coming from Life Is Strange developer Dontnod, is being delayed until 2020. Which is fine! Delays can help make games better and avoid awful crunch conditions. In somewhat less well-received news, however, Dontnod have also agreed to make Twin Mirror an Epic Games Store exclusive for a year when it’s eventually released.

Squared Away

Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda has confirmed that the company is pondering whether to launch its own subscription service.

“The direction that we’re thinking about is having a channel of our own,” Matsuda revealed to GamesIndustry at E3, before later adding, “We’d also have to consider whether or not it will work well solely including our own catalog titles. But eventually I do think that we need to get to the point where we have enough insight that we can build our own service.”


Coalition head honcho Rod Fergusson, who left Epic Games in 2012, tried to nix Fortnite when it was just a wee baby, and says that if he’d stayed on, the obscenely popular game would’ve never survived.

“Fortnite, when it was Save the World, was a project that just had some challenges, and as director of production at that time, that game would not have passed my bar for something that we should continue, to keep going,” he said. “Anytime people look at me and say ‘don’t you feel bad?’ I say, ‘No you should feel really good, because that game you love and that’s a worldwide sensation would not exist had I stayed at Epic’.”

Cheese and crackers, Rod.

Mole Longer Needed

Shocking and intriguing news for fans of Animal Crossing and its resident mole who never quite managed to make the anger management sessions he clearly needed – Mr Resetti will no longer be hassling you to save your game in 2020’s New Horizons, project lead Aya Kyogoku revealed at E3.

“Unfortunately because there’s no necessity to reset the game or reset button on the Switch, Mr. Resetti had a hard time. He was laid off from his position. I think this will be a positive thing for the player because in New Horizons you can stop playing in the middle of your game and it’ll still save.”

There’s light at the end of the tunnel, mind. Apparently, Mr. Resetti may well still be waiting for you somewhere in the game, having changed career path and taken up a mysterious new job…

Emulate Than Never

Hyperkin have admitted that they’re in a bit of a quandary when it comes to their still-in-development Retron Ult N64 clone, and they’re still working through some pretty standard issues.

“We have two different road maps we can go – we can do maybe emulation route, or we can do maybe sort of a cloned-console route,” Hyperkin’s Terence Calacsan mulled with Nintendo Life. “Right now, it’s so early in development, that we don’t we know what the final solution might be, it could be anything. For right now, we just want to get the best possible output picture at a good price point – basically, just something that people can plug and play, and play their N64 games without having to go back and find their old N64.”

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