A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.
Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-size chunks, as often as we can.
Read on…
Breath Of The Wild 2: Breathe Wilder
An abundance of DLC ideas is one of the main reasons that Breath Of The Wild is getting a full sequel, according to Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma.
“When we released the DLC for Breath of the Wild, we realised that this is a great way to add more elements to the same world. But when it comes down to technical things, DLC is pretty much data—you’re adding data to a preexisting title. And so when we wanted to add bigger changes, DLC is not enough, and that’s why we thought maybe a sequel would be a good fit,” Aonuma said, before adding “Initially we were thinking of just DLC ideas, but then we had a lot of ideas and we said, “This is too many ideas, let’s just make one new game and start from scratch.”
Prime Directive
Retro Studios are still looking for an art director for Metroid Prime 4. Development on the game was restarted at the beginning of the year, but it seems that things are still in limbo as a new team comes together.
— Retro Studios (@RetroStudios) June 18, 2019
What Dreams May Come
That Metal Gear Solid Remake in Dreams is now completely playable! You can download it right here.
Dreams is such a joy.
You’re A Wizard, Barry
In mobile news, Nintendo has announced a release date for Dr. Mario World on iOS and Android. You’ll be able to download it on 10th July.
Additionally, Niantic’s AR follow-up to Pokémon Go, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, will seemingly be out on Friday. We say ‘seemingly’ because it’s not entirely clear if this is a global rollout date. Worth checking at the end of the working week, anyway.
To The Max
Maximum Action has been getting a behind the scenes leg up from New Blood Interactive, the publisher behind Dusk. News surrounding the retro-style shooter has been fairly quiet since its Early Access last year, but it’s been revealed that developer George Mandell has teamed up with NBI for ‘a significant overhaul' of the game.
Small Moves
There are no major changes to The Witcher 3 on Switch, just minor ones to the user interface, says CD Projekt Red UI Coordinator Alvin Liu:
“The biggest changes that we made involve the user interface and how you interact is a bit different on the Switch compared to other versions. Right now there’s a bit less foliage and some of draw the distances are lower… but it still looks amazing. I was very impressed. Unless you pointed a lot of changes out to me I probably wouldn’t have noticed them. You’ll get the full Witcher 3 and all expansions. We’re not really cutting anything.”
In a new report via GIB, May 2019 has revealed itself to be worst May for new releases since 1998, with people slacking on hardware and software purchases.
In the wake of PS5 and Project Scarlett announcements, the reticence to pay out for shiny, expensive new things is fairly clear, made even more so by news that the Switch is the only hardware platform seeing a steady growth in sales.
Mortal Kombat 11 was the top selling game again in May, with Days Gone bringing up the rear.