A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.
Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-size chunks, as often as we can.
Read on…
Worlds End
In news we didn’t really want to hear this week, the May 2017-launched experimental MMO Worlds Adrift is being shut down.
“Worlds Adrift just hasn’t reached the level of popularity it needs to continue,” developer Bossa Studios wrote on the official website about the decision. “The challenges that came with our ambitious project meant that all our work went into making the game work rather than making it the experience we wanted it to be. As a result we failed at making a game that could capture the imaginations of millions. Creating an MMO like Worlds Adrift is a huge financial commitment and unfortunately the game is just no longer commercially viable.”
Bossa go into further detail in the video below…
Love You 3000
Square Enix is prepping a global reveal of its forthcoming Avengers game, Marvel’s Avengers. E3 2019 will be the place, and 10th June will be the day. SE’s new tie-in title was originally teased back in January. Hopefully, this will be a good time for fans feeling bereft after the events of Avengers: Endgame.
If You Fallen, EA Will Catch You
In more E3 2019 news, EA has provided some details on when it plans to reveal a first look at some Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order gameplay. It’ll be on the Saturday, 8th June at 5.30pm. Fallen Order gets that first half-hour slot, then there’ll be some news and bits for Apex Legends, Battlefield V, FIFA, Madden NFL, and The Sims 4 afterwards.
Baby Got Back
Death Stranding dominated the news yesterday. MGS mastermind Hideo Kojima and Sony revealed that the PlayStation exclusive will indeed be out on 8th November, as previously suspected after a brief info leak beforehand, and an 8+ minute gameplay trailer surged online to make a little more sense of it all. A little more. A little.
Sweet Christmas, it looks good. Not sure we’ll be paying out for the pricey Collector’s Edition, which comes complete with a life-size Pod Baby, but maybe the thought of not having it will eat away at us. Who knows?
Misplaced Affection
RetroSouls have released a new Sega Megadrive/Genesis title called Misplaced, and it looks super fun! You can download it right here.