A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.
Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-size chunks, as often as we can.
Read on…
All Bark No Bite
Kickstarter game Barkley 2 is essentially dead. One of the game’s former developers posted some details about a series of behind the scenes problems that have led to the basketball RPG’s demise, prompting a response from the game’s Twitter account:
Barkley 2 has been officially confirmed dead and I feel compelled to tell as many people as possible
RIP Hoopz pic.twitter.com/vPIgH8LHsz
— Josh Bossie 🙃 (@whoisJoshBossie) 2 June 2019
factoids: all the money went to the game. the money itself wasn't squandered, but the management to get the ambition that was set in motion was. there is a lot of content in the game. some works some doesn't. everyone is owed a demo and deep proof of the work. esp. KS backers
— Hoopz Barkley (@TalesOfGames) 2 June 2019
Some footage of the long-abandoned Earthbound 64 has found its way online (via ResetEra). The gameplay screened at SpaceWorld in 1996, but the Nintendo 64 title was eventually cancelled four years later.

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To the whimsy-mobile!
The bods at Google’s DeepMind have been training an AI agent on co-op environments using Quake III, and it’s been quite the success. Maybe when the machines overthrow us there might be a way to win them over, should a greater enemy arrive to spoil their fun?
Message In A Bottle
Could Dead Island 2 finally emerge for Xbox One? Potentially. A new listing on the Microsoft Store will let you pre-order it for 31st December. Don’t hold your breath, but we’ll see! Sumo Digital are currently in charge of it, but it’s been handed off to so many people over the last 5+ years, it’s hard to say where it’s at in terms of becoming a reality.
A Hundred Reasons
Celeste, the brill platformer that you may or may not have already discovered on Switch, PS4, Xbox One or PC, is getting a ‘Chapter 9’ DLC soon that will include a staggering 100 new levels – so, if you thought you were about done with Celeste, the good news is that you’re not even close.
#Celeste Chapter 9 has over 100 levels! :D
…we've been detailing them for weeks now😅
— Matt Thorson 🍂 (@MattThorson) 31 May 2019
Falling Over Yourself
The Fallout 4 Capital Wasteland mod, which throws all of Fallout 3 into the game, has a new trailer. While the Road To Liberty team has yet to even think about handing a release date out, it’s still terrifically exciting to see the progress they’re making on the project: