A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.
Wireframe is summing up the most essential games news for you in bite-size chunks, as often as we can.
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The rebooted Jumanji universe is getting a new video game tie-in called, er, Jumanji: The Video Game. Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe, Outright Games, and Funsolve are behind the new title, which will be released on 15th November, just before the latest film in the franchise hits cinemas.
Eau de Gamer
Microsoft is releasing a line of Xbox personal care products next month in Australia and New Zealand, in association with Lynx. Yes, that Xbox-branded shower gel, deodorant and body spray the market was crying out for is coming. A green citrus scent is all well and good, but wake us up when Nintendo release a perfume that captures the smell that comes out of the Switch fan. Mmmmm! That’s the good stuff.
Cold Breeze
Starbreeze is set to lay of 25% of its workforce by November. The Payday 2 publisher has been in hot water since Overkill’s The Walking Dead performed poorly last year.
“In the past six months we have made a number of changes to the business following our strategy to focus on the core business. We have divested some operations that we consider non-core and we now have to look inward to make the core business more efficient,” said Starbreeze CEO Mikael Nermark in a statement about the 60+ employee cull. “To make staff reductions is a tough decision to make, but necessary to enable Starbreeze to develop well long-term.”
Surge Gains Board
Sci-fi-action RPG sequel The Surge 2 will be out on 24th September for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, it’s been announced. Developer Deck 13 previously released a little first look trailer so that you can get a vague idea of how the gameplay has changed:
Stadi On
Google is set to reveal a bit more about its planned gaming platform, Stadia, on Thursday. Apparently, there’ll be a bit more info about the launch, how much it’ll cost, and also some game announcements. Here’s a handy link to the livestream, which will get up and running at 5pm our time.
Just Our Type
The R-Type Final 2 Kickstarter began this week, and some people thought that Granzella Inc. might be shooting way past the moon by setting a £328,965 goal to see the new side-scrolling shooter become a reality. Turns out, not so much!
We guess this teaser was just about tease-y enough for 3,000+ people and counting: