A wise man once said that life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. But as the kids say nowadays …ain’t nobody got time for that.
Wireframe is summing up the most essential game news for you in bite-sized chunks, as often as we can.
Read on…
Ghost Of A Chance
Ubisoft is teasing a new Ghost Recon game, and there’s a general feeling in the air that it’ll be another open world affair after the success of Wildlands. We’ll know more about this after the ‘World Premiere’ on 9th May, regardless.
Manic Minor
Pokémon Go, but for Minecraft? It sure seems like it, as Microsoft teases the a more mobile future for the increasingly out of favour game.
Balls Out
Missing Sega’s Super Monkey Ball more than just a little? A new Indiegogo campaign highlights Rolled Out!, from designer Brandon Johnson. The game is essentially a love letter to the series, and seems well worth a look. Johnson is in it up to the hilt (behave) and if there’s someone out there more obsessed with Super Monkey Ball, we’d be very surprised.
Check out the nitty gritty of what Johnson is hoping to achieve with the new Super Monkey Ball-esque game in the video below. It could potentially make its way to the Switch at some point…
Crocodile Tears
Devil May Cry is coming to the Switch this summer, but you can forget about a possible physical release for the game – Capcom is saying there are “no plans” to extend its availability beyond digital download.
Please, Sir. Can I Have Some Morehau?
Mordhau Delights
Multiplayer medieval melee game Mordhau is proving to be very popular. Too popular, at one point, causing server issues at launch. Now, things are running much more smoothly, and developers Triternion are over the moon.
“None of us would’ve expected this reception in our wildest dreams,” they wrote. “As of today, Mordhau has sold just shy of 500,000 copies and we have reached a peak of 60,000 concurrent players yesterday. These are just mind-blowing numbers to us, and we still haven’t fully realised that Mordhau is currently among the top played games on Steam.”
Good work, you lot.
Fortnite season 9 starts this week, which is great news for inexplicably angry kids and also maybe you after three or more beers. Epic is teasing a futuristic element for season 9, it appears. Practice mindfulness by choosing to forget season 8’s unfinished missions.
The Future is Unknown. 5.9.2019 #FortniteSeason9 pic.twitter.com/OugJ6Y54G9
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) May 6, 2019
They (Don’t) Got 5 On It
Waiting In The Wings
Sony is planning to roll out another State of Play presentation on Thursday, but it appears that there won’t be any PS5 reveals in it. You’ll be able to get an extended look at MediEvil, though.