Nosferatu heading to digital next week 

nosferatu trailer
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Robert Eggers’ vampire tale Nosferatu will be available digitally from next week while it’s still in cinemas. More on that below. 

Robert Eggers is already looking ahead with Werwulf, but his latest film, Nosferatu is still in cinemas and doing pretty well too. However, the film is also heading to digital rather soon. 

You can buy or rent Nosferatu on digital from 3rd February, which is exactly one week away at the time of writing. If you haven’t been able to catch Nosferatu in cinemas and would like to do so, this news isn’t anything to worry about. Nosferatu will continue its cinema run while also being available at home. You can buy the film or rent it, if you’re not entirely sure Eggers’ gothic vampire tale is for you.  

There’s no news on a physical release, but one is sure to follow. If you do buy the film on Apple TV, you do get a plethora of extras, including a commentary by Eggers.

Read more: Robert Eggers | How toilet humour unblocked an unlikely blockbuster director

Here’s a helpful list:

NOSFERATU: Extended Cut

NOSFERATU: A MODERN MASTERPIECE – Explore the deepest, darkest depths of NOSFERATU with the actors and artists whose commitment and craftwork take the classic vampire epic to horrifying new heights. 

BREATHING LIFE INTO A DREAM – Filmmaker Robert Eggersā€™ lifelong dream becomes a startling cinematic nightmare as the actors collaborate on transformative performances to make his Gothic vision an astonishing reality. 

BECOMING COUNT ORLOK – Practical makeup FX seamlessly meld with Bill Skarsgårdā€™s bold interpretation of Count Orlok to resurrect a villain whose unsettling appearance is both creepy and captivating. 

CAPTURING THE MOOD – From sunlight, snowfall, and shadows to candlelight and complicated camera moves, see how each visually rich detail contributes to NOSFERATUā€™s incredibly eerie atmosphere. 

RECREATING 1838 – Open a virtual time capsule with production designer Craig Lathrop, whose intricately detailed sets immerse viewers in an entirely authentic world. 

DRESSING THE PART – Whether accenting Count Orlokā€™s otherworldliness or telling background tales through clothing, watch costume designer Linda Muir fashion distinct looks that extend each characterā€™s story. 

THE END IS JUST THE BEGINNING – Visual effects supervisor Angela Barson and composer Robin Carolan enhance NOSFERATU’s nightmarish fantasy using stunning CGI and a breathtaking score.  


Ellen at the Window 

Harding’s Bedchamber/Dark Corridor 

Behold, the Third Night  


Nosferatu is now in cinemas and will be available to rent or buy from 3rd February. 

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