Untitled Goose Game completed in 3.46 minute speedrun

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Melbourne-based developer House House only released Untitled Goose Game just last week, but buoyed by an overwhelmingly positive reaction from those whoā€™d already played it, and a fundamental human desire to be a total git, within a few days everyone and their mum was enjoying living their life as a horrible goose, and repeatedly typing the word ā€œhonk!ā€ into every social media platform available.

Though the gameā€™s still essentially brand new, players are already destroying each otherā€™s speedrun records, and Mondayā€™s 6 minute+ playthrough by MonkeyKingHero has already been smashed by Seijouf, who has managed the entire thing in Any% ā€“ with the help of some serious glitches ā€“ at 3.46 minutes.

There are of course spoilers in the video of the achievement, should you choose to watch it belowā€¦

Untitled Goose Game is out now for Switch, PC and Mac. The goose memes will continue until morale improves.

Wireframe #22 is out now

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