A letter to the fine readers of Film Stories

End of year letter
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An update from the world of Film Stories, in the form of a sort-of old fashioned letter. Right here, in fact. Dear the fine readers of Film Stories, Let’s start by trying to get you onside with a thank you. Thanks for continuing to support this mad, independent project. Whether you’ve read the site, bought a magazine, come to a live event, or not blocked us on social media, it’s very very much appreciated. This is one of our occasional letters to you fine people with a few bits and bobs as to what we’re up to. It’s part of our drive to continue to shine the light where it’s not often shone in the world of film, but we need your help to do so. Deep breath, then… REVIEWS Right. We’re currently ā€“ on both the site and in the print magazines ā€“ reviewing a range of films that still lean quite towards Hollywood. I’ve been chatting to people about this, particularly independent filmmakers: do they want reviews of their films, even if we don’t really like the films? Reviews, after all, aren’t for filmmakers: they’re for people thinking of spending money/time on a film, but on the flipside, there’s no pleasure in slamming an indie film made with love. The general feedback we got? Bring on the reviews. And in truth, I’d rather use more of Film Stories’ reviewing resources to highlight such films. Here then is the offer: if you’re an independent filmmaker, particularly with a UK film, and you’re looking for a review of your film, send it to us. It doesn’t matter if your film has distribution, but there does need to be a way for the reader to get to the film. Still: if that’s of interest to you, submit your film to hello at filmstories co uk. Again though, if we don’t like the film, we do have to say that. It’ll never be personal, but as people who put our heart and soul into an independent project, we do understand that might sting a bit. It’s thus up to you, and we leave you to make the decision whether to submit the film or not. It is, though, our intention to significantly up the number of independent films we review. CHILDREN’S BOOKS Need your feedback here. We’re passionate about books, and getting youngsters reading, and so we’ve tried for a couple of months putting a weekly review on the site of a recommended read. They don’t get much response though ā€“ no slight whatsoever on the brilliant author who’s been penning them. But have you noticed the reviews, and would you read them? Do let us know. LIVE EVENTS I’m determined to take Film Stories live events around the country, but again, as we’re an independent and because I’m not famous, it’s quite hard to do. I’ve got shows in Birmingham, London and Stockport booked in. Two things, then. Where else should I be taking Film Stories shows? And are you interested in more of them?  You can find details of upcoming shows here. Next one is in Birmingham next week, on March 29th. FILM JUNIOR A kind benefactor has offered to buy 100 subscriptions of Film Junior magazine for schools and film clubs around the UK. If you’re interested in receiving one, can you drop us a note at junior at filmstories co uk with details of where you want it sent and why? If you want to donate a subscription yourself, so we can further spread the word of print magazines for young film fans, here’s the link. Thank you. We’re also always on the lookout for new contributors, so if you know any young people that love films and have opinions on them, please encourage them to write to us with their ideas. The address for this is junior at filmstories.co.uk too. NEWSLETTER As well as our magazines, we send out a weekly newsletter to update our readers on everything going on at Film Stories, as well as telling more tales from behind the scenes of popular movies.  Each week, you can expect a story, film news from the past week, a quiz question, and all the information you need on our latest magazine issues and podcast episodes.  We welcome new subscribers, and you can sign up from the homepage of our website by putting your name and email address in the ‘Subscribe to our newsletter’ box.  OVERVIEW And just, finally, an update on Film Stories and Film Junior magazines. Since we launched, we’ve now given over 250 writers ā€“ aged from 6 to 78 ā€“ their first paid print writing work. That’s been one of our core tenets since day one. We’ve also crossed 300 podcasts, 53 physical print magazines, one Blu-ray (with more on the way) and nearly 20 live shows.  We’re keen to do more, but we really need help pushing the word out. Please be assured none of this is making us rich! Any ideas for promotions, or places who’d be interested in sample back issues etc, please let us know. The email address remains hello at filmstories co uk. Anything you can do to spread the word is hugely, hugely appreciated. AND FINALLY Just a thank you. Film Stories continues to exist because of people like your fine self, and you’re very much appreciated. Thank you for tolerating us. We hope you tolerate us for a good while yet to come! Simon Brew Editor Film Stories ā€” Thank you for visiting! If youā€™d like to support our attempts to make a non-clickbaity movie website: Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Junior print magazines here. Become a Patron here.
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