British movie podcast of the week: A Very British Horror

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Each week, we recommend an independent UK film podcast that’s well worth checking out: this one, with a horror tinge and a half to it. With horror experiencing a genre renaissance in recent years in Hollywood, often forgotten is the origin and dominance of British work in the genre. Studios like Hammer, famed for its classic horror movies between the ‘50s and ‘70s, starred actors now considered the epitome for their respective roles in the genre, like Christopher Lee’s Dracula and Peter Cushing’s Baron Frankenstein. One podcast is dedicated to highlighting and championing the British horror market and that’s A Very British Horror. Originating as a group on MSN (remember that, millennials?!), Paul and Chris met at secondary school and shared a love of classic British horror films, which involved a lot of late night taping from the TV, as well as scouring video shops for VHS tapes. They lost touch as they went off to university and started families. but met up again coincidentally at a Christmas party about 6 years ago. They started chatting again about their love for British horror and it was then that the podcast A Very British Horror was born. A Very British Horror focuses, obviously, on all aspects of British horror, but not just films. They’ve also covered British horror TV and comic books, and have even interviewed Tony Sands, from the children’s TV series Moondial. Paul and Chris have a relaxed, informal podcast style; a style which they themselves prefer to listen to, but they don’t skimp on the interesting facts on a genre they’re clearly very experienced with and educated on. You’ll walk away from listening to an episode feeling informed, with a strong desire to watch the film they’re talking about. Though A Very British Horror is a light-hearted look at horror, the passion behind it is clearly felt.  A Very British Horror is very much A Very Great British Horror Podcast. Recommended episode: Episode 2 – Hammer’s Dracula (2 March 2016) –  A Very British Horror can be found at And followed at: Twitter –  Facebook –  All episodes of A Very British Horror are available to download from Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, Soundcloud, Overcast, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts from.Thank you for visiting! If you’d like to support our attempts to make a non-clickbaity movie website: Become a Patron here. Sign up for our email newsletter here. Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here.
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