Our weekly podcast recommendation features two brothers and a lot of 80s and 90s films.
Doing this weekly article means I have the pleasure and privilege of listening to a multitude of wonderful British movie podcasts and getting to know their hosts, usually through already knowing of them on social media. This week’s featured podcast I didn’t know of, until they got in touch with us at Film Stories to feature them. I ‘m glad they did, because they’re terrific.
You’d think after having spent a whole childhood together that brothers and best friends Charlie and George McGhee might be bored of talking to each other by now. Thankfully for us they aren’t, and their weekly phone catch up chats about the movies they’d seen recently had George thinking “why don’t we record these and make a podcast out of it?”
Spoiler alert: Charlie agreed, and Retro Ramble was born.
Retro Ramble’s mantra is simple: take those nostalgia-filled movie experiences that the Brothers McGhee had together as children and reminisce about them on a podcast. How do these movies hold up today? How does it feel rewatching them as grown men with wives and families of their own?
For a lot of us 80s and 90s kids, movies from that era might not be critical darlings, but they still hold a special place in our hearts, and Retro Ramble taps into that feeling of nostalgia, almost as if you’re getting into that DeLorean and going back a time to when Starburst were Opal Fruits, and Arnold Schwarzenegger did more than just appear in Terminator sequels.
Rapport is something I mention in this column a lot, and it’s the difference between a good podcast and a great podcast. Retro Ramble doesn’t just contain rapport though, it’s a sibling bond and it’s very apparent as soon as you start listening that George and Charlie have that inimitable connection that you only get from someone you’ve been around your whole life. Together they’re laid back, funny and charming, and their shared passion (and sometimes their shared rivalry) only endears you to their podcast more.
Episodes include information about the production history, alternative casting choices and discussions on spin-offs, prequels, sequels or reboots that might be floating about in modern Hollywood. George and Charlie are also adept at impressions, which are often hilariously good!
If you love and value trips down movie memory lane and want to be taken there by a couple of energetic, fun and informative hosts, then Retro Ramble is for you.
Let’s get ready ready. Let’s get ready ready. Let’s get ready to (Retro) Ramble! Watch them wreck the mic, watch them wreck the mic, watch them wreck the mic. Psyche! (You’re fired – Ed)
Recommended episode: S1 E35 Big Trouble in Little China (27 May 2019) – http://bit.ly/retrobigtrouble
Retro Ramble can be found at http://retroramble.blog/
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Twitter – https://twitter.com/retrorambleblog
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All episodes of Retro Ramble are available to download from Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts from.
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