Ciné-Real | The Hackney film club that only presents on 16mm

cine-real hackney film club
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Ciné-Real at the Castle Cinema is the only UK film club that screens exclusively on 16mm stock. Our friends at Great Big Story have made a short documentary all about itā€¦

On a fateful night in 2011, Oscar long-listed Director Liam Saint-Pierre found an old super 8 projector in a bin. Taking it to a curious little shop (Ümit & Son) nearby, packed to the rafters with film cannisters, projectors and cinematic bits and bobs, the storeā€™s proprietor, Ümit Mesut, persuaded him to upgrade to 16mm. Saint-Pierre, in turn, persuaded him to help him run a regular film night.

13 years later, Ciné-Real is still going strong. With regular screenings of classic films like Chinatown, Night Of The Living Dead and whatever other masterpieces have been crammed into a film cannister, the heart of film-on-film in the UK might just lie in the London borough of Hackneyā€¦

And if thatā€™s peaked your interest, check out the full 8-minute documentary our pals at Great Big Story have made all about it. For the squeamish amongst you, be warned: contains descriptions of film burn-outsā€¦

Films showing at Ciné-Real this October include Alfred Hitchcockā€™s The Birds (1963), Night Of The Living Dead (1969) and Silence Of The Lambs (1991). A full schedule and tickets are available here.

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