Mental Health Matters | Old dog, new tricks

Coffee image for Film Stories' regular mental health column
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For our latest mental health chat, a few thoughts on being open to new things, and pushing ourselves just a littleā€¦

Did you know that tarantulas have eight eyes, but still have terrible vision? Or that, like an octopus, if they lose a leg it can regrow? Have you ever considered learning how to crochet in just one day? Or using a standard sewing machine to embroider your own designs?

The world can get shockingly dark and heavy, sometimes, and it seems that positive personal tasks may be a good way to temporarily forget the drama while focusing on yourself.

A couple of months ago, while scrolling TikTok, I accidentally clicked into a live stream… about tarantulas. The man streaming was trying to pair two (basically he was breeding them).

After a few moments of frowning and groaning in disgust at the screen, a realisation hit; despite being terrified of spiders, I was still watching this stream by choice. I eventually began listening to the information being given out, and that led to my asking a few questions. In the ten-or-so weeks since then, I have gone from not being able to look at them on a screen without cringing, to actively learning about them and starting to see their beauty.

Since then, I have witnessed both successful and failed pairings, many feedings, some rehoming, and even a live moult. All because I accidentally clicked on a live video I meant to scroll past. That is a mistake that has really helped with a significant fear, and it appears many of his followers have also been cured of their arachnophobia through his no-frills educational style.

Recently I decided that 2025 would be the year of focusing on me… and I have leaned into that, so far.

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to learn crochet so I booked onto a two hour beginner course. For the first hour, I felt like I would never pick it up. But I soon got to grips with the basics, and have been practicing ever since. It is so calming and, once you get the hang of it, it becomes repetitive in a good way. A year ago, crochet was the furthest thing from my mind, whereas now I want to save enough money to book onto the follow-on class.

One week ago, I attended a different craft lesson with the same local business, and spent two hours using a sewing machine to learn embroidery. Now that was harder to pick up, but I think I understood the main elements. More importantly, it was fun small class filled with giggles and ideas. Again, once finances allow, I will maybe rebook and take that same lesson again as I absolutely want to learn more.

And learning is meant to be silly, and to go wrong. If you don’t get it wrong, how will you ever have the drive to keep trying? Last year I witnessed many friends learn new things, such as ice skating, ice hockey, baking, soap making, creating wax melts, going back to some form of education, pole dancing, woodwork, and more. And we’re not exactly youngsters.

The most important aspect of learning something new, in my opinion, is to not take it overly seriously (unless you’re wanting to practice law or perform surgery). You’re allowed to have fun with learning, and we all learn at different paces and in different ways than we were permitted in school.

So make this the year that you face a fear, learn to care for a cactus, or try glass blowing.

Us old dogs can still learn many fun new tricks. And even if we can’t, we can have a laugh trying, right?

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