Mental health and wellbeing matters: new year

Coffee image for Film Stories' regular mental health column
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In our regular chat about mental health and wellbeing, just a few words about the new year, and trying to use it to your advantage. Hello and welcome to the spot on the site where we chat about mental health, wellbeing, and things that may be affecting us. This is a weekly column, that’s been running for a few years now. Across that time, hopefully there’s an article or two that are of use to you, amongst the many that no doubt aren’t. This time, a few words on new year. New year can be a useful time. It’s at least something there to offer a mild kick up the backside to make some changes in life, or try new things. It can be a decent psychological trick to play on the old noggin, to try and break out of a rut, or the same old same old. Like most of these things though, it’s far from perfect. That is not a radical thought that’s exclusive to this site. The pressure, for instance to come up with a load of new year resolutions can – for many – simply get in the bin. If it works for you, that’s great. But peer pressure to say you’re going to learn a language, becoming proficient at juggling, and lose five stone while you’re at it? Forget that. Instead, a suggestion. Centre the opportunity that new year can provide onto something useful to you. If new year heralds nothing for you, then don’t feel the pressure to play along. If it can give you a nudge to try something new, or make a change in your life that you actually want to make, then all power to you. Use what you need, drop what you don’t. Take out of new year the bits that can be better for you. Granted, this article has gone up anyway a few days into 2023 so may have missed the boat, but still I hope that it’s a year that’s good for you. This feature will continue to run over the next 12 months, and do feel free to leave requests and suggestions in the comments. Mostly though, make 2023 a year of self-care if you can. Whether you’ve resolved to do that or not. Without self-care, it’s hard to help anyone else after all. The very best to you all, and – as always – thank you for reading. This column will return next week. ā€” Thank you for visiting! If youā€™d like to support our attempts to make a non-clickbaity movie website: Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here. Become a Patron here.
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