Apple to release Will Smith movie, Emancipation in December after all

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Despite chatter to the contrary, a trailer has emerged to announce that the Will Smith-headlined film Emancipation will arrive this year.

The matter of Emancipation, Will Smith’s slave drama that has been produced by Apple, has been rumbling on for some time. Apple has been sitting quietly on the finished film for a few months now, with lots of chatter circulating about when the studio might choose to release it. In many ways, the release of the film is being seen as something of a barometer for the immediate future of Smith’s career. Once a studio backs him through the release of one of his films, it will likely be seen as a vital step on the road to rehabilitating both his image and his career.

Apple Studios has now signalled its intentions to take that step, announcing a December release date for Emancipation and also launching a trailer.

The film, which is directed by Antoine Fuqua, will get a theatrical release on December 2nd, followed by a launch on the Apple TV+ platform a week later. Buzz for the film itself is strong and it will make for an interesting story as to how audiences and critics react to the film in the wake of Smith’s actions at this year’s Oscars which ultimately earned him a ten year ban from the ceremony.

You can catch the trailer for the film below ahead of its December launch. This news means that Napoleon, Ridley Scott’s historical epic will almost certainly be appearing next year, as was originally planned despite some reports to the contrary which suggested that the film might be positioned to take Emancipation's slot as the studio’s big December release. We’ll bring you more on this story as we hear it.

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