Dordogne | painterly adventure out in June

dordogne june
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Dordogne, the gorgeous-looking watercolour adventure from Un Je Ne Sais Quoi, is out in June. Also, thereā€™s a new trailer to have a look at.


Weā€™ve had our eye on Dordogne for a while. Not the place, though thatā€™s also very nice, but the video game, which turns the French countryside into a frankly gorgeous watercolour adventure about the power of childhood memories.

Created by director and artist Cedric Babouche at his indie studio Un Je Ne Sais Quoi, Dordogne mixes 2D and 3D animation to powerful effect, with its rural location rendered in delicate splashes of virtual pigment.

That visual style is all in service to the adventure itself, which sees protagonist Mimi return to her childhood home in the south of France following the death of a relative. As Mimi explores the environment and collects items, she finds herself travelling back into her past memories, which see you running around as a younger Mimi, her head shielded from the summer sun in a huge floppy hat.

You can get a better look at the game via the new trailer below, released as part of its launch date announcement:

Dordogneā€™s been in development since at least 2020, but it now has a firm release date ā€“ 13 June to be precise.

It all looks thoroughly lovely, weā€™re sure youā€™ll agree. And given that Dordogne's set to arrive between some pretty meaty triple-A games ā€“ the likes of Tears of the Kingdom this month and Starfield in September ā€“ it promises to provide a relaxing, warming contrast.

Dordogne is out on 13 June for PC, Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

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