Edinburgh Filmhouse cinema on course to return

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Good news for Edinburgh and good news for independent cinema as the shuttered Filmhouse cinema is returning. 

In the wake of the pandemic there was a number of independent cinemas across the UK that were forced to close their doors and cease serving their communities. The closure of Edinburgh’s Filmhouse wasn’t just the highest-profile indie cinema to close, it was arguably the most painful. After all, if a revered independent cinema in the heart of one of the UK’s most cultured cities couldn’t keep going, what chance did all of the other indies stand?

Talk about the Filmhouse returning has never stopped though and we’ve heard stories about failed bids and stymied attempts to get it reopened, including one last year. At the time, it looked like the historic cinema’s closure might take the entire Edinburgh Film Festival with it but happily, that was averted.

Now, the good news continues with news emerging that Edinburgh’s Filmhouse will be returning with new owners but several of the venue’s former staff being key members of the board that will run it.

As of yet, we still don’t know whether the Belmont Filmhouse in Aberdeenshire will return, but we’re hopeful that a route will also be found to reopen that venue too. We’ll bring you more on this story as we hear it.

Screen Daily

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