Get your face in an independent sci-fi movie

Of Infinite Worlds
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Hereā€™s a chance to support a British independent science fiction, and also get your face in the final cut of the movie as well. Filmmaker Simon Cox can never be accused of being low on ambition. Having spent a decade bringing to life his directorial debut, the sci-fi movie Invasion Planet Earth, he’s now hard at work in the West Midlands bringing his follow-up project to life. The film in question is called Of Infinite Worlds, and he’s decided to make an independently-funded science fiction trilogy, in part brought to life by audience support. He’s run a crowdfunding campaign previously to help successfully get the film off the ground, and he’s continually updating on his progress. Now, he’s offering a chance for people to both support the movies, and also get their face in them as well! There’s a moment in one of the films, Cox explains, where the hero is having his brain scanned by alien forces, and lots of images from inside his head pop up. Here then is Cox’s oddest crowdfunding offer to date: would you like your face to be one of those pictures? It’s just a frame in the film, and he’s selling these for £40 each, with all the money he raises this way going to pay to make the movie in the first place. If that opportunity sounds up your street, then you can find more on it here. You can also find all the design work and the latest on the movie here. More as we hear it! ā€” Thank you for visiting! If youā€™d like to support our attempts to make a non-clickbaity movie website: Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here. Become a Patron here.
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