Looking to write for our new UK independent mainstream film magazine? A few things to know.
At the time of this post being written, we’ve just sent the second issue of Film Stories magazine to press. In it, once again, we’ve given five writers their first paid print writing work. We’ve pledged from the start of the project to make sure at least two writers an issue get their first break, and we intend to keep to that (in fact, we’re ahead of our target at the moment!). That doesn’t mean, incidentally, that already-published writers aren’t welcome. Quite the contrary.
We’re asked a lot about how to pitch to the magazine, and what we’re after. We’ve answered those in our podcast on the publication, here, in the first instance…
A few more things to bear in mind that might be helpful, though.
- Please pitch via email. We’re struggling to keep up with DMs, Facebook messages and such like. It’s a very, very small team behind the scenes here, and especially when deadlines loom, we have to step away from email just to get the magazine out of the door. You may need to bear with us! The best email address is simon at filmstories co uk
- All work is paid. Not much at the moment – £30 per page – but if we can grow the magazine, we’ll grow the rate too. We want to be open about this. Nobody works for free on Film Stories (well, apart from those of us behind the project for the time being!)
- Bear in mind when pitching that magazines tend to work two months ahead. It’s best not to pitch a review of a film out in the next week or two.
- Just to reiterate, too: Film Stories is not a home for anything along the lines of ‘7 reasons why such and such a movie sucked’
- The magazine is pretty mainstream, and with its feet in the UK. Although hopefully as has been seen with the first two issues, our love with film is a pretty broad church!
If you like what we’re doing and believe in it, please do support us. Help spread the word. Perhaps buy a subscription or a back issue?
Thank you for your support and interest!