How UK cinemas are affected by the latest government Covid guidance

Wearing face masks in a cinema
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Cinemas can no longer start films after 10pm as the latest round of government Covid restrictions comes into force. Yesterday, the UK government announced a fresh series of measures in response to the number of Covid-19 cases starting to drastically increase again in Britain. Boris Johnson took to the floor of the House Of Commons to announce that measures now being put in place in the UK will last up to six months. In particular, notwithstanding the fact that Johnson’s latest advice comes weeks after we were all told to go out and get back to work, the new government directive is set to see many working from home for the foreseeable future. And furthermore, it’s been announced that all hospitality venues must close by 10pm at night. It’s since been clarified what that means for cinemas. It’s pretty much as close to business as usual as they can get in the current climate, and it won’t be the case that cinemas have to chuck out at 10pm. Rather, they can no longer for the foreseeable future programme films that start after 10pm. Furthermore, existing rules on masks remain in place too, that they have to be worn throughout a cinema building (although can be removed when eating or drinking in the auditorium). This is how things are at least for the next weeks, probably months. Unless the government announces further changes, of course. More as we hear it.
Image: BigStock
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