Lego Half-Life 2 is as amazing as it sounds

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Lego Half-Life 2 is a cunning mod that replaces the classic gameā€™s characters with minifigures, and itā€™s available to download now.


Weā€™ve already seen Lego takes on everything from Star Wars to Harry Potter. But what would happen if you replaced every character in the seminal Half-Life 2 with plastic minifigures?

Thankfully, the hard work of modder NotDaveorDaniel means we donā€™t even have to try to use our feeble imaginations (thanks, PCgamesN). That mod replaces the shooterā€™s characters ā€“ including Alyx Vance, Gordon Freeman, and just about every other familiar face (friendly or otherwise) you could name.

It also shifts the perspective from first-person to third-person, thus making it look all the more like a Lego title from, say, TT Games.

Needless to say, itā€™s quite something to see Half-Life 2's dark, dystopian sci-fi saga unfold from the perspective of Legoā€™s wide-eyed minifigures, but then, that was always part of the official gamesā€™ appeal, too. The trailer below provides a flavour of just how it looks.

NotDaveorDanielā€™s mod requires a copy of Half-Life 2 to run, and you can download the files you need from Steam.

Weā€™re not sure what Lego or Valve will make of the mod ā€“ hopefully, they wonā€™t scramble their winged lawyer monkeys, as some multinational gaming companies are wont to do.

Who knows? Maybe itā€™ll even inspire those firms to release an official version of Lego Half-Life 2. We can but dream.

Read more: Pac-Man | Inside Legoā€™s £230 arcade set

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