Come, all ye Midlands-based filmfolk, and have your work seen by Thorin Oakenshield himself.
Film organisation Midlands Movies has called for submissions for its ninth annual film awards, celebrating the best filmmaking talent across the region.
Submissions close later this month, and are open to films of every size and scale – from zero-budget debut films to big-screen cinema releases.
Filmmakers can enter their films across 16 categories including best short, best feature and best acting roles, with the winners announced at a ceremony in Leicester in June.
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This year, The Hobbit star Richard Armitage joins the jury panel alongside a smorgasbord of industry experts. Born in Leicester, trained in Coventry, and having played Guy of Gisbourne in the noughties BBC adaptation of Robin Hood, Armitage might just be the most-Midlands creation since the electric kettle (invented in Birmingham in 1923, fact fans).
Armitage will decide the winner of the Best Short Film category, which need not have anything to do with Birmingham or kettles (though it couldn’t hurt, I’m sure).
“I’m so excited to get going again for another year,” says Midlands Movies founder Mike Sales.
“Everyone submitting an entry should know they have an equal chance of winning, no matter their budget, size or experience. Our goal is to wake the country up so it takes notice of the amazing creatives in our region.”
To submit a film head to, and to find out more about the Midlands Movies Awards go to their website.