Ukrainian actor Pasha Lee killed by Russian shelling

Pasha Lee
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33-year old Ukrainian actor Pasha Lee lost his life over the weekend, killed by Russian shelling.

It’s hard to know how to cover the world of entertainment sometimes when there’s so much horribleness going on in the world. There are brilliant outlets reporting on Russia’s horrific invasion of Ukraine, and here we are writing about films and Batman and stuff like that. The world needs escapism, certainly, but how can you turn a blind eye to what’s going on?

We’ve not covered the work of Ukrainian actor Pasha Lee at any point in Film Stories’ existence, but at a point where I’m sat in a room in relative safety writing movie news, what he’s done absolutely deserves wide recognition.

Lee lost his life over the weekend, at the age of 33. He had joined up to defend Ukraine from the Russian invasion, and was killed in shelling that took place over the weekend.

33 years old. All because someone sat in the opulence and safety of their own surroundings, and sent the young into war. Horrific. There are hundreds, thousands of similar stories over the past couple of weeks.

Our thoughts are very much with Pasha Leeā€™s friends and family, and the Ukrainian people at this time.

Here’s his final Instagram post. With a very heavy heart, we hope he rests in peace. And that this awful war ends quickly, with those responsible for it brought to proper justice.

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