We want your cakes, movie art and letters

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A few little bits and bobs are changing in the next issue or two of Film Stories magazine – and we need a bit of your help please.

In the upcoming new issue of Film Stories magazine – that goes on sale in early November and will be up for pre-order next week – we’re adding one or two new bits, and we need your help!

Firstly, we’re introducing a proper letters page. If there’s something movie or magazine-related you want to get off your chest, then we’re accepting missives now at letters at filmstories co uk.

It’s the same email address too for our new movie art and creations pages too. We’re looking to showcase your artistic and culinary skills. Have you drawn a picture of your favourite movie star? Have you made a cake in the shape of Hugh Jackman’s face? Have you made something in tribute to a movie or movie star? Then send the visual proof and a bit of info over! That email address is letters at filmstories co uk.

One more slight change. We’re going to be moving our indie cinema of the month column – at the rest of the indie cinemas themselves – online rather than in the magazine. We’ve got a small backlog we’re going to upload to the site over the coming weeks, but if you’re an indie cinema and want to be featured, then it’s the same email address.

Many thanks, as always, for all your support. Stay safe and well.

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