Film Quiz Friday: New Year’s Resolutions

The Godfather Part II
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As ABBA sang, there’s no more champagne and the fireworks are through, but this week’s film quiz has some Happy New Year-centric questions.


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It’s the first Film Quiz Friday of 2023 and having just done another Christmas special, why shouldn’t we do a New Year special too? Loads of things happen around New Year in the movies, whether it’s Rocky Balboa going the distance with Apollo Creed or Sally Albright telling Harry Burns she hates him. This week’s quiz is about some of those things, as well as the usual general knowledge stuff.

Once you’ve completed all three rounds, you’ll find a link to a separate post with the correct answers at the bottom of this post. As always, this is just for fun, but please let us know how you did in the comments (scores out of 30 this week!) and give us any other lovely feedback. And maybe next week we’ll do things that happen on Friday the 13th in movies, there must be loads…!

ROUND ONE – This Week In Movie History

This round is about UK cinema releases and general film history from this week in years past – we’ve given you the year at the start of each question to help out!

  1. 1992 – “You can’t handle the truth” is a famous quote from which legal drama?
  2. 2006 – Which English author is the subject of the biopic Miss Potter?
  3. 1975 – Born this week, who directed 2018’s A Star Is Born?
  4. 2002 – Which sci-fi film franchise’s tenth instalment is subtitled Nemesis?
  5. 1987 – Which neo-Western vampire horror film marked Kathryn Bigelow’s solo directorial debut?
  6. 2012 – In which film does Meryl Streep play Margaret Thatcher?
  7. 1990 – What type of creature features prominently in Arachnophobia?
  8. 2016 – Which video-game adaptation connects Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, and Jeremy Irons?
  9. 1946 – Also born this week, who connects the 1990s films Father Of The Bride, The First Wives Club, and Manhattan Murder Mystery?
  10. 2023 – In cinemas now! What title connects a 1976 Dirty Harry sequel and a new action movie starring Antonio Banderas?

ROUND TWO – Happy New Year?

Next, can you name the movie from the description of something that happens on 31st December or 1st January? Again, we’ve included the year the film came out as a bonus clue…

  1. A heartbroken Al Pacino kisses John Cazale at midnight. (1974)
  2. Renée Zellweger resolves to drink less and quit smoking. (2001)
  3. Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy lose big on frozen concentrated orange juice. (1983)
  4. Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones steal $8 billion in Kuala Lumpur. (1999)
  5. Shirley MacLaine says ‘shut up and deal’. (1960)
  6. The Statue of Liberty walks through Manhattan to the sound of Jackie Wilson. (1989)
  7. Gene Hackman leads surviving cruise guests through a capsized liner. (1972)
  8. Ice Cube drives two mischievous kids to their mother in Canada. (2005)
  9. Frank Sinatra and friends take advantage of a blackout in Las Vegas (1960, also)
  10. A train crosses Yekatertina Bridge as it journeys around the frozen Earth. (2013)


Let’s finish with a random selection of pot luck movie questions – these could come from any era, any genre, or any level of difficulty. Enjoy!

  1. Also in cinemas now! Which late singing superstar does Naomi Ackie play in the biopic I Wanna Dance With Somebody?
  2. Kevin, Stuart, and Bob are the main characters in which 2015 animated film?
  3. What name connects characters in M*A*S*H, The Last Of The Mohicans, and The Avengers?
  4. How many Jumanji movies have been released to date?
  5. In the news! Which Hollywood studio topped 2022’s annual box-office takings for the seventh year running?
  6. What title connects Edward Woodward and Queen Latifah on TV and Denzel Washington at the movies?
  7. In the Mary Poppins films, the handle of Mary Poppins’ umbrella is shaped like what bird’s head?
  8. In which comedy does George Clooney play convict and unwitting country-music star Ulysses Everett McGill?
  9. Who connects the 1980s romantic comedies Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink, and The Pick-Up Artist?
  10. And finally, which X-Men sequel suggests that in the far-off future of 2023, mutants and humans alike will be overrun by robotic Sentinels?

Ready for the answers?

That’s the end of this week’s quiz – when you’re ready to check your answers, click here to get them (it’ll take you to another page) and let us know your scores in the comments below.

We’ll be back next Friday with another quiz, but until then, why not catch up with Season 1 of our suitably named film quiz podcast, The Film Quiz Podcast, which features Nick Helm asking movie questions and occasionally berating contestants for getting them wrong. There’ll be more episodes soon!

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