Mental Health Matters | ‘Glimmers’

Coffee image for Film Stories' regular mental health column
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A few words on finding micro-moments of happiness, otherwise known as glimmers, in our weekly mental health chat.

Last week I went on an adventure. There were unicorns, witches, superheroes, flying cars and… okay, fine. I went to Birmingham.

I took a coach from Leeds to Birmingham, then a taxi to the Midlands Art Centre, where I sat and enjoyed a drink the Film Stories Live show. Then, I got another taxi back to the coach station, and another coach to Leeds.

Why is this such a big deal? Well, when I say it was an ‘adventure’, I really mean it. I’ve never been to Birmingham before, I live on a severe budget, I have disabilities and chronic pain, and so going places just isn’t really part of my life. I don’t get to attend many events or see many sights that some people may take for granted.

So, on a whim I booked tickets within my budget, and off I went. I haven’t left my city in over a year. This was exciting. Coaches, taxis, and conversations with other humans. It was 14 hours outside my comfort zone and I am still exhausted, a week later, but boy am I glad I did it.

(Oh, and if you get chance to see a Film Stories Live show, you need to go. Trust me.)

Sometimes it is these little things that matter to us. We get stuck in a rut and we get complacent about our lives, and so a small change from routine can make all the difference, or even just taking peace and pleasure from the ordinary.

Quite often when we consider the things that make us happy, or bring us joy, we tend to think big. We think of weddings, babies, holidays, and once-in-a-lifetime events. But what about those smaller moments?

I recently learned about ‘glimmers’. Glimmers are micro-moments of happiness, hope, safety, and wellbeing. Essentially, they are the opposite of triggers. They can be found in the smaller aspects of life and the fleeting everyday moments. The first sip of coffee on a morning that gives a moment of relaxation; glimmer. Starting a new book or TV show that brings excitement; glimmer. The crunch of fallen autumn leaves under your shoe; glimmer.

My glimmers include the cat choosing to snuggle with me on a night – not at my feet, but in my arms. They also include the first piping hot sip of a black tea, no matter if it is the first of the day or the fiftieth. It is the moments I watch anything, such as Cougar Town or Bob’s Burgers, and literally laugh out loud at a joke as opposed to just knowing something is funny. And it is the kindness of the woman who stopped me in the street, a few days ago, and complimented my clothes.

We need to acknowledge the smaller moments more, and appreciate them for what they truly have to offer. Life is hard, so take that photo of a nice meal or get excited about spending a few hours looking at different scenery. If it helps, it should be applauded.

I had an adventure that included travel, new sights, names I’ve never heard before, and a conversation or two with someone I really admire. I saw clips of amazing films, and I even have a new mug. It sounds small to many, but to me it was a significantly uplifting experience.

And as time ticks away from what has been my biggest experience of 2024, so far, we also move closer to another; Halloween. Time to crack out the horror movies, the chunky jumpers, the snacks, the long dark nights, and the ghoulish decorations.


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