The fear and loathing of video game boss fights 

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Vikki Blake has never been a fan of boss fights, but playing through Remnant 2 may have helped change her mindā€¦


Stick ā€œSouls-likeā€ on your gameā€™s cover, and my reaction is guaranteed: Iā€™ll run just as fast as I can in the opposite direction.

Itā€™s not that I donā€™t relish a challenge. Iā€™ve run Destiny raids on Hard mode, taking not hours but days to get the job done, watching in real-time as the patience and camaraderie of each of my fire team members wear thin. Iā€™ve played every Halo campaign on Legendary, slogging on even when Iā€™ve wanted to rip off my own arm in frustration, and Iā€™ve unlocked Dishonoredā€™s ghost achievement, which required me ā€“ a naturally ā€œHigh Chaosā€ kind of player ā€“ to sneak through the entire campaign without killing anyone or being spotted by an enemy.

Generally, though? Generally, Iā€™d rather not spend my free time feeling impossibly frustrated and angry, rinse-and-repeating the same boss fight dozens of times. I spend most of my day feeling impossibly frustrated and angry anyway – Iā€™m the mother of a teenager, my friends – so Iā€™d prefer a break from that before I get my head down and have to go through it all over again tomorrow.

The difference, I think, is ā€“ Dishonored aside ā€“ all of those experiences were collective, and thereā€™s something special about knowing others are feeling every defeat and wipeout as intensely as I do. Itā€™s not only because misery loves company – although, letā€™s face it; it does – but just as the wins feel great when theyā€™re shared, so too do the losses.

Occasionally, though, Iā€™m forced to take on a Souls-like against my better judgement, and thatā€™s exactly what happened with Remnant 2. Tasked to play it for work (itā€™s a tough job etc. etc. etc.), I roped in one of my usual gaming pals – my decade-old Destiny 1 fireteam may have chiefly moved on, but we still occasionally chat and play together – and, very, very reluctantly, jumped in Remnant 2's world.

Unlike me, my partner for Remnant 2 is a Souls veteran. 100 per cent-ing games like Bloodborne and Elden Ring – games I wholly appreciate from afar, but would never dare attempt – heā€™s far more accustomed to the brutality of Souls-like adventures, so I hoped that with him along, Iā€™d at least get a fighting chance to finish up the campaign before deleting it from my hard drive and never returning. Fast-forward a week, however, and weā€™ve not only finished Remnant 2, but Iā€™m itching to return to it.

Of course, much of this is directly attributable to Remnant 2's creativity. I canā€™t pretend I cared much for its people or storyline, but its worlds are delightfully engaging, and its combat solid and satisfying, even with that troublesome couplet – ā€œsouls-likeā€ – attached to its marketing. Donā€™t get me wrong; we didnā€™t attempt the hardest difficulty, which meant our path through the campaign was one of the easier ones, but that didnā€™t mean it wasnā€™t without its challenges. And while I had to learn the hard way about the importance of listening for audio cues, I shocked myself by beginning to appreciate the satisfaction you get by triumphing in boss fights, too.

You see, Iā€™ve never liked boss fights. Not even when I was growing up and all games had boss fights. Itā€™s an admission Iā€™ve always kept to myself because admitting this feels a little like a tacit admission that I must suck, or have no patience, or both. But actually, Iā€™m a pretty average player with an above-average understanding of how games are supposed to work. My issue is that Iā€™m a born panicker, and find it very difficult to do much of anything when the pressureā€™s on (especially if that pressure is accompanied by a countdown timer!).

Dara Ó Briain sums it up best in this fabulous routine in which he entertains a crowd by saying that while you cannot be so ā€œbadā€ at watching a movie or listening to an album that youā€™re prohibited from proceeding, you can be that bad at playing a video game… ā€œand the video game will punish you and deny you access to the rest of the gameā€. And itā€™s this denial, coupled with a tendency to button-mash when panicking, that aggravates me so… and itā€™s why so many games of my past were traded in half-completed because I found myself stuck and unable to proceed.

And that fear of boss fights never left me, really. I know contemporary game design has moved on from this, and even FromSoftā€™s Elden Ring is a more accessible offering than Bloodborne insofar as it allows you to nope out of a fight if you decide itā€™s too much too soon. Remnant 2 isnā€™t quite as open a world – youā€™ll need to complete key fights in order to unlock the next objective and progress the story – but knowing that I can zip back to camp or take on a less infuriating boss in an optional dungeon is curiously liberating.

And it may be the first time, ever, Iā€™ve played a game where instead of dreading the next boss encounter, Iā€™m relishing it…

Vikki Blake has a column every week here at whynow Gaming. You can read her previous dispatch here.

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