World Tour is a first for the Street Fighter series, or indeed any fighting game, as it’s essentially a single-player action RPG but where battles function similarly to Street Fighter matches. It’s a novel way to experience the world of Street Fighter as you create your own avatar and take them on a journey of discovering strength, rubbing shoulders with – and taking lessons from – legendary fighters, and getting caught up in all the distracting mini-games and side quests you’d expect from an action RPG. Perhaps World Tour’s real appeal is that you’re able to create your very own character, either like yourself, modelled after another series of video game favourite, or perhaps something completely cursed, and then have them mix and match the moves of the rest of the fighting roster, which you can even use in Avatar Battles in the Battle Hub. This guide is here to give you some pointers on how to get started on your journey in Metro City – before heading off to explore the rest of the globe.
Important PSA before you start World Tour mode
As a semi-open world game, World Tour has its graphics settings prioritising resolution by default, meaning it outputs at 4K/30FPS. For all those who say they’re not bothered by framerates, it makes a huge difference when you see a fighting game running at half the framerate. This cannot be adjusted in-game, so if you want the mode’s fights to feel like they would in a normal match, then at the mode select screen make sure you hit the menu button, go to options, then toggle over to the Graphics tab. Then under Action Mode, change the setting to Performance Mode. You also have the option to toggle settings for motion blur and background object density, so we’d recommend turning off motion blur, too, especially if you plan on capturing screenshots.Which control type to use
If you want to change your control scheme after you’ve completed chapter one, you can do so in the options menu. Credit: Capcom.
Make your fighter
You can change your avatar’s look at any point by simply visiting the beauty salon on Beat Square. Credit: Capcom.
Read more: Street Fighter 6 Character Guide | Which fighter is right for you?
Easy ways to grind for XP and rewards
Drop Locks can be earned by engaging in fights. Credit: Capcom.
How fights differ in World Tour from normal matches
A typical face-off in World Tour mode. Credit: Capcom.
Learn from the Masters
Finding Masters and learning their styles and attacks is a vital part of World Tour. Credit: Capcom.
Read more: Street Fighter 6 Beginner’s Guide
Don’t neglect your skill tree
The handy Drive Stall – a skill we highly recommend you unlock as soon as you can. Credit: Capcom.
Quick ways to earn Zenny
Mini-games, like this pizza-making one, are a great way of earning Zenny. Credit: Capcom.
Ride Metro City’s Metro
World Tour’s subway rides are one of several nods to the classic Final Fight. Credit: Capcom.
Want to learn more about the world of Street Fighter 6? Then check out our other guides: Street Fighter 6 Beginner’s Guide | Street Fighter 6 character guide