Alan Wake 2 | new video details dual-narrative structure

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Alan Wake 2 will feature two single-player campaigns, one viewed from the perspective of new character, FBI agent Saga Anderson, a new video explains.


Remedy has kept quiet about the specifics of the long-in-gestation Alan Wake 2, but a new behind the scenes video provides some fresh insight into the upcoming horror sequel.

As well as re-introducing its titular novelist, Alan Wake (physically played by Ilkka Villi, vocally performed by Matthew Porretta), the sequel will introduce a second player character, Saga Anderson. Played by Melanie Liburd, Anderson is an FBI agent despatched to Bright Falls to investigate some ā€œritualistic serial killingsā€ taking place in its dank environs.

At some point early in the game, the player will be given the chance to then continue the narrative from Andersonā€™s perspective, or Wakeā€™s ā€“ who vanished following the events of the first game some 13 years earlier. Somehow, the goings-on in Bright Falls will cause both Wake and Sagaā€™s fates to become firmly intertwined.

ā€œSaga Anderson, sheā€™s not just any FBI agent coming into this case,ā€ hints creative director Sam Lake. ā€œThere are elements to this that are very much tied to who she really is. And a mystery to be discovered there as well.ā€

The video also digs into the work thatā€™s gone into creating the Pacific Northwest setting, with things like photogrammetry going into its fictional small town, which sounds as though itā€™s more open-world and explorable than its predecessor.

Having two single-player campaigns woven around a single location and sequence of events sounds like a potentially fascinating one, and as the Alan Wake 2 video above reminds us, video game technology has certainly come a long way since the first game came out 30 years ago. It also reminds us that, no matter how many times we see him, Sam Lakeā€™s face always makes us jump and go, ā€œLook, itā€™s Max Payne!ā€

He probably gets that a lot.

As Remedy revealed in late May (after voice actor Matthew Porretta blurted out the surprise)m Alan Wake 2 is out on October 17 for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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