Captain America: Brave New World | Surely Marvel’s not really spending $100m on reshoots

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Marvelā€™s next Captain America film is getting expensive, and it sounds as if sizeable reshoots are underway ā€“ costing up to $100m alone.

While studios tend to be reticent to publicise the actual production budget for their movies, some kind of alchemy still brings together at least a rough number. Take the original Iron Man movie for instance. That’s now believed to have cost in the region of $140m all in, with the price rumoured at the time of its release said to be closer to $100m.

What does seem very clear is that arguably 2025’s biggest Marvel film, Captain America: Brave New World, is going to be a lot, lot more than that. In fact, believe a fresh report that’s popped up over at World Of Reel, and the reshoot costs along for the film are really quite alarming.

None of this has been confirmed, and none of it is our money. Still, the suggestion is that the reshoots for Captain America: Brave New World that are set to take four months to film have added three major new action sequences. This is courtesy of work done by Matthew Orton, who was reportedly hired to write new material for the film when initial test screenings apparently did not go well.

Marvel, again, does not comment on such things.

The rumoured initial budget for the film was already on the expensive side, at around $250-275m. All for a Captain America movie that doesn’t have Chris Evans in it. That said, the cast as it stands is hardly shabby, with Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan joined by Harrison Ford, Liv Tyler, Giancarlo Esposito and more. Julius Onah is directing, and the original plan was to have the film in cinemas this very summer.

Yet the movie has been delayed, not helped by the strikes, and isn’t now set to arrive until February of 2025. It’s not quite the same high summer release date that Marvel originally intended, yet also, the nature of its cinematic universe means films have to come out in the right order for things to make sense.

Still: the price looks to have now gone north of $300m, and the release date is no longer summer. Plus, there’s more than your average amount of pick up work that looks set to be done. $100m on reshoots though? That’s as much alone as a film such as Le Mans 66 cost entirely. And itā€™d just about cover our coffee budget for the yearā€¦

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