An acclaimed documentary about The Exorcist and The French Connection director William Friedkin gets a release in the UK next month.
Given that we’re just passed Halloween and thus it’s a fair bet that The Exorcist will have been spun a few times over the past week, it’s a good time to release an acclaimed documentary about its director, William Friedkin.
Friedkin Uncut had a cinema outing last year, and it’s been confirmed for release on disc on December 9th in the UK. The documentary chats to many of his collaborators, and crucially spends time with Friedkin himself. Here’s a trailer to give you a flavour of it…
The synopsis for it reads…
Friedkin Uncut offers an introspective insight into the life and artistic journey of William Friedkin, an extraordinary and offbeat director of cult films such as The French Connection, The Exorcist & Sorcerer. For the first time Friedkin opens up, guiding the audience on a fascinating journey through the themes and stories that have influenced his life and his artistic career. Thanks to an ‘all-star’ cast of friends and collaborators (including Francis Ford Coppola, Quentin Tarantino, Willem Dafoe, Matthew McConaughey, Ellen Burstyn, Michael Shannon), we discover stories, anecdotes, and discuss what being an artist really means in order to celebrate the one and only Billy Friedkin and the fun and passion of making art.
Francesco Zippel has made this one, and you can preorder the DVD right here.
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