Full Metal Jacket confirmed for 4K disc release in the UK

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Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket is confirmed for a UK Ultra HD 4K Blu-ray release, and it’s arriving on the format next month. Not every movie title that gets released on the 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray format necessarily also comes out in the UK, so we’re happy to share news when one’s confirmed. In this case, the film in question is Stanley Kubrick’s penultimate movie, Full Metal Jacket. The film has been confirmed for release on the format on 21st September 2020. It’s the latest Kubrick movie to get the 4K treatment following Dr Strangelove, 2001: Space Odyssey, The Shining and the incoming Spartacus. A Blu-ray version will be in the package as well, and that’s likely to port over extra features from previous releases of the film. The movie is available to preorder now, and you can get more information on it here. ———— Thank you for visiting! If you’d like to support our attempts to make a non-clickbaity movie website: Become a Patron here. Sign up for our email newsletter here. Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here.
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