Funny Woman, the comedy drama based on a character created by Nick Hornby, is back for a second series. Here are the details...
Production is underway on the second series of Funny Woman, the Sky comedy drama based on the 2014 novel by Nick Hornby.
Gemma Arterton stars as a budding comedian inspired by Lucille Ball, who attempts to make a name for herself in the oppressive, male dominated culture of 1960s London. Production is now underway on the second series, which will comprise four hour-long episodes.
The synopsis for the new series reads as follows:
Series 2 finds Sophie on a high. She is the nation’s favourite TV comedy star; she’s got a group of good friends and her romance with Dennis is full of promise. But trouble is just round the corner: Dennis’s divorce will take three years; Sophie’s new sitcom flops and she uncovers a devastating family secret. Sophie escapes the turmoil by taking a leading role in a film opposite a glamorous French movie heart-throb. The film is a hit and Sophie’s slick new US agent offers her a fresh start in Hollywood…
But Sophie returns to London, determined to get the gang back together and to create a new show which reflects her real life, challenges outdated cultural conventions and proves that she and her mates are Funny Women!
Returning cast members include Arsher Ali, David Threlfall, Rosie Cavaliero, Alexa Davies, Matthew Beard, Leo Bill, Clare-Hope Ashitey and Alistair Petrie.
New additions to the cast include Steve Zissis, Marcus Rutherford, Tim Key, Gemma Whelan and Roisin Conaty.
The series is written by Morwenna Banks, Kevin Cecil and Andy Riley, with BAFTA nominee Oliver Parker directing.
The new series of Funny Woman will launch later this year on Sky Max, where you can also catch up on the first series.