Good Burger | Kenan and Kel vow to continue working together

Good Burger
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Nickelodeon superstars Kenan and Kel are keen to continue their double act, now that Good Burger 2 is in the world.

Good Burger 2 is right around the corner, and in an interview with Variety promoting the film, stars Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell were keen to emphasise that it marks the beginning of a new chapter in their working relationship.

Bottom line: there’s more.

Thompson said that “it would be only right for us to continue to go explore what Kenan and Kel could have been when we were in our 20s when we left Nickelodeon and decided to try to figure it out, instead of just automatically doing the Abbott and Costello thing”.

He added that “now that we’re older and sharper and wiser and this that and the other, we can do it at such a high level on so many different outlets or whatever. We know so much now. There’s so many different parts to the business. There’s so many different opportunities and we’re just ready to tackle all of that. So it’s very exciting, I think, especially when we’ll be able to own it”.

Good Burger was released at the height of their popularity in 1997 and saw Mitchell as the dim witted Ed showing Thompson’s new recruit Dexter the ropes.

The sequel picks up two decades later and sees Dexter in the doldrums. Hard times force him to return to Good Burger, which is now owned by Ed. They must fight to save it when a conglomerate tries to buy it to turn into a franchise.

Good Burger 2 is streaming on Paramount+ now, and the trailer for it is below these very words…

Whether this all now leads to a Good Burger 3 remains to be seen. But then given that if you’d have asked us five years ago if there was going to be a Good Burger 2 we’ve have raised an eyebrow, we write absolutely nothing off.

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