Pikmin began as a top-down action concept for N64, new interview reveals

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Before Pikmin became Pikmin, it was a fascinating top-down action game concept for N64, with visuals influenced by Tim Burton.


Pikmin 4 launches on Friday, 21 July (our review can be found at this very hyperlink), but did you know Nintendoā€™s adorably dinky real-time strategy series began life as a much darker, top-down concept for the SNES and later the N64? Unless you had an uncle that just so happened to work at Nintendo (honest), probably not.

The revelation appeared in a new edition of Ask the Developer, published on Nintendoā€™s website (thanks, Nintendo Everything). In it, Shigeru Miyamoto and designers Masamichi Abe and Shigefumi Hino talk about the early phases of the original Pikmin's development.

According to their recollection, Pikmin began life in the middle of the 1990s, right as the SNES generation was about to give way to the Nintendo 64, first released in 1996. Back then, what would later become Pikmin began as a top-down action game, with the player controlling large swarms of ā€œcreatures with AI chips in their headsā€.

Those chips would make the creatures ā€œthink in a certain way,ā€ and the player would have been able to control the creatures by switching the ā€œthought chipsā€ with commands including ā€œheal,ā€ ā€œhelp friendsā€ and ā€œcombat.ā€

Read more: All the wonderful things revealed in the Pikmin 4 Nintendo Direct trailer

ā€œAs they explored the map and gained more experience,ā€ Hino explained, ā€œtheir chip capacity would increase. In other words, theyā€™d become smarter. At the same time, we added personalities such as grumpy and cowardly via ā€™emotion chips,ā€™ and depending on which emotion chip the character had, the response, such as ā€˜attackā€™ or ā€˜defend,ā€™ would change.ā€

The early look of these creatures was also very different from the Pikmin we know today; an early production drawing shows a pair of rotund, bulbous-nosed cartoon characters, with their sexes defined by the coloured blob on the tops of their heads. ā€œIt looks a bit Yoshi-like, donā€™t you think?ā€ Hino laughingly said of this initial design. ā€œBut we felt it lacked impact as a character.ā€

pikmin n64

An early concept drawing of the pre-Pikmin creatures. Credit: Nintendo.

Artist Junji Morii then began sketching alternative designs, and came up with the slightly more humanoid silhouette ā€“ complete with leaf sprouting from the top of the head ā€“ weā€™d now recognise as Pikmin.

The gameā€™s creators still had a very different look in mind at this stage, though, with Morii going on to explain that he wanted it to have a sketchy, darkly fantastical feel inspired by filmmaker, animator and artist Tim Burton.

ā€œBack then, I really liked the world of Tim Burton,ā€ said Morii, ā€œso I wanted the designs to not just be cute, but also give a sense of eeriness, or some emotional weight. Thatā€™s why I was drawing the sketches like this, with a style that layers scribbling lines.ā€

Other visual touchstones for the project at this stage included the French animated film, Savage Planet (1973), while Hino added that heā€™d read Richard Dawkinsā€™ book The Selfish Gene to learn more about the natural world and ecology.

It was when Nintendo began to develop the GameCube towards the end of the 1990s that the project began to move towards its final form. The N64ā€™s limited hardware meant it couldnā€™t cope with the dozens of creatures the team wanted to render on screen, so larger groups would have been represented by a ā€˜billboardā€™ ā€“ essentially a 2D image or sprite. The GameCubeā€™s hardware, meanwhile, allowed the team to render dozens of individual 3D creatures on screen at once.

Interestingly, Kando manages, at this point in the interview, to put an old theory to bed ā€“ for years, it was often reported that Pikmin was in some way influenced by the Mario 128 tech demo, shown at the time of the GameCubeā€™s announcement. That demo showed dozens of Mario characters running around the screen, leading to the assumption that this was Pikmin's creative origin.

In fact, ā€œWe didnā€™t know about the existence of Mario 128,ā€ says Kando, ā€œso itā€™s not like Pikmin was influenced by Mario 128 in terms of planning or technology, but many new ideas came out of Nintendo GameCubeā€™s ability to move a large number of characters, which wasnā€™t possible back in the days of Nintendo 64.ā€

The interview as a whole offers a fascinating insight into Pikmin's origins, and is well reading in full. And, we must admit ā€“ weā€™d love to see a Pikmin game with the sketchy style of a Tim Burton film or Savage Planet. Maybe thatā€™ll resurface in Pikmin 5ā€¦

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