Sonic Origins Plus adds Game Gear titles and more

Sonic Origins Plus
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Sonic Origins Plus will add a wealth of hard-to-find Game Gear handheld titles, and a playable Amy Rose, to the retro mix.


Update: Sega has now officially confirmed Sega Origins Plus.

As you can see, the updated collection is out on 23 June 2023, with a playable Amy, 12 Game Gear titles, and an assortment of other new modes.

Our original story followsā€¦


Well this has a nice ring to it (Youā€™re fired ā€“ Ed). A so-far unannounced upgrade to the 2022 compilation Sonic Origins will reportedly add a dozen Game Gear games and other new features to the existing line-up.

Imaginatively called Sonic Origins Plus, the update will reportedly be available as a paid upgrade for people who already own Sonic Origins, or as a bundle for those who buy the whole package either physically or digitally.

Plus will add 12 Game Gear titles, some of which havenā€™t appeared elsewhere before, including Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Drift and Sonic Drift 2, and the last ever Game Gear series entry, Sonic Blast. Plus will also add Amy Rose as a playable character to the first three 16-bit Sonic games as well as Sonic CD.

We keep using the word ā€˜reportedlyā€™ in this post because the story came from, which published and then swiftly deleted the post from its site. That hasnā€™t stopped the reports from spreading elsewhere, though, including the ever-reliable, where we first spotted it.

Whatā€™s clear is that Sonic Origins Plus is a real upcoming release, even if Sega hasnā€™t announced it yet for whatever reason ā€“ its title first popped up in a ratings listing in South Korea in February.

That Sonic Origins is even getting an update certainly fits with Segaā€™s piecemeal approach to its hedgehog mascotā€™s legacy. Although the games it collected together are just about all fondly-remembered classics, the package was criticised for hiving certain features off as separate, paid-for DLC.

Hereā€™s hoping, though, that those Game Gear titles have been ported with care: while not all of them are great (weā€™d skip Tailsā€™ Skypatrol, frankly), a few of them are well worth a play. And did you know that the first Sonic game for the Game Gear and Master System was programmed by none other than Yuzo Koshiro? Well it was.

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