Superman: Henry Cavill reportedly in talks to return to role

Henry Cavill as Superman
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It looks as if Henry Cavill may be set to play the role of Superman on the big screen again, according to a new report.

In the aftermath of the release of 2017’s Justice League movie, it seemed that Warner Bros was looking to go in a different direction for future Batman and Superman endeavours. Ben Affleck would retire the Dark Knight’s cape and cowl, which is now in the hands of Robert Pattinson. As for Henry Cavill, meanwhile, there was talk of a standalone sequel to Man Of Steel, but it ultimately came to nothing.

Now comes the news, though, that Warner Bros isn’t quite done with Cavill as Superman yet. He’s said to be back in talks with the studio to play the role again.

What’s not clear is just what this is for. Warner Bros last week announced, of course, that it was funding a new cut of the film Justice League, so that director Zack Snyder could finally assemble his version of the movie. However, it’s believed that’ll involve no extra filming. Whilst it’s impossible to rule out that he might be back for a few reshoots, that’s not said to the be the direction that project is going.

As always, then, we wait and see. A fresh, standalone Superman film though would be really very welcome. More as we hear it.

The Wrap.


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