The lost Justice League movie set to get a documentary

The Justice League
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The tale of George Miller’s abandoned Justice League film is set to be told in a new movie. As it pretty well known. Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon’s recent Justice League film (pictured) wasn’t the first attempt to bring a union of DC comic book heroes together on the big screen. Back in 2007, filming was set to begin on Justice League: Mortal, to be directed by Mad Max helmer George Miller. This film would have seen Armie Hammer as Batman, D J Catrona as Superman, Megan Gale as Wonder Woman, Common as Green Lantern, Adam Brody as The Flash and Santiago Cabrera playing Aquaman. All managed by Jay Baruchel, taking on the role of Maxwell Lord. However, 2007 was also the year of a major writers’ strike in America and that, combined with the success of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight movies, ultimately dissuaded Warner Bros from pressing ahead with the project. And the story of the film that never was is set to be told in the documentary 7 Friends: George Miller’s Justice League. Filmmaking Ryan Unicomb has apparently been trying to get this project off the ground for a little while now, and according to Superhero Hype, he’d been facing “pushback from the studio and most of the creatives involved”. But it now sounds as though he’s got whatever clearance he needs to get the movie he wants. As per his Instagram account…
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