Wes Anderson | More Roald Dahl shorts rumoured

Henry Sugar
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It is being reported that Wes Anderson shot more Roald Dahl short stories than the four that have been released and announced thus far.

Netflix, you sneaky so-and-so.

If reports are accurate, it seems that Wes Andersonā€™s brilliant anthologised take on Roald Dahlā€™s short stories may not be over yet.

Back in September, we were treated to four short films from Anderson on the streaming service, each one retelling a classic Dahl short story (from the authorā€™s collected tales, which were geared towards a more mature audience, in case you were wondering). When we say ā€˜retellingā€™, we mean it too. The short films each featured an onscreen narrator and used huge swathes of Dahlā€™s text, repeated verbatim.

The whole endeavour made for brilliant fun, with Poison being the pick of the bunch for this particular writer (perfect for when you next have exactly 17 minutes of free time available). All four films are excellent though, and if World of Reel is right, weā€™re going to get at least two more Anderson shorts, perhaps even more with the films reportedly set to release in 2024.

According to the outlet, Wes Anderson shot the as-yet unannounced films at the same time as the collection that is now available on Netflix. Apparently, the sneaky streamer has been holding onto them on the sly ever since.

If the plan is to unveil a kind of ā€˜season twoā€™, at some point, then weā€™d imagine (and by that we mean fervently hope) that there might be at least four films to come. One of the films is said to be Lucky Break, a tale that details the events in Dahlā€™s life that led to him becoming a writer.

When we hear something official regarding Andersonā€™s next crop of Dahl fims, weā€™ll be sure to let you know. As things stand, none of this has been commented on by Netflix as of yet. Nor do we expect it to be for some time. Anderson, meanwhile, is already working on his next project.

Hereā€™s the trailer for what weā€™ve had so farā€¦

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