Director Josh Boone confirms that the planned reshoots for X-Men: The New Mutants never took place.
Yesterday, following an extended post-production period on the movie, we reported on director Josh Boone’s announcement that his film, X-Men: The New Mutants, is finally complete. The movie has had quite a journey, given that filming began over two and a half years ago. And then there was extended talk of all sorts of reshoots in the time that subsequently passed.
Thing is? Those reshoots, that were all set to be extensive, didn’t happen.
Josh Boone has confirmed the news in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, where he added that the reason reshoots didn’t ultimately happen was down to Disney’s takeover of 20th Century Fox. The latter was making the film, and the time swallowed up by business mechanics killed any time for reshoots anyway.
“Everybody said we did reshoots”, he said. “We’ve never done reshoots. And I’ll tell you this: if there hadn’t been a merger, I’m sure we would’ve done reshoots the same way every movie does pickups. We didn’t even do that because by the time the merger was done and everything was settled, everybody’s older”.
Thus, what you’re getting when the film is released in April is the film that Boone and his team thought they were making way back in 2017. We’ll see how it all turns out next month.

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