Only Murders In The Building season 4 | Episode 9 review

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Secrets are revealed in the penultimate episode of Only Murders In The Building season 4. Here’s our review of episode 9. 

My main issue with Only Murders In The Building season 4, which I’ve made very clear over the last few reviews, is that there hasn’t been enough Jane Lynch this season. Each season has given a decent amount of screentime to the murder victim as our podcasting trio solve their murder, but Sazz Pataki has been curiously missing from the action. 

Thankfully, episode 9 solves that problem. 

But let’s back up a little. Last week’s episode clarified that the Westies did not murder Dudenoff and certainly not Sazz. In fact, Dudenoff killed himself and simply asked that the residents throw his body into the incinerator, lie that he’s moved to Portugal and keep cashing his checks in order to stay living in their cheap apartments. It sounds weirdly made up now that I’ve written it here, but it’s true, I promise. 

So if the Westies aren’t to blame, who does that leave us with for murder suspects? Last week’s episode also revealed that Sazz was harassed by another stuntman who was working on a mysterious Ron Howard project, Project Ronkokoma. And who might that stuntman be? 

Well, Glen Stubbins, of course! Your favourite Irish stuntman, who looks an awful lot like Paul Rudd!

Glen is still lying unconscious in the hospital after being hit by a bullet all the way back in episode 5

After being told off by a nurse at Glenn’s hospital for showing up with a case of lager and an ouija board, Charles, Mabel and Oliver go hunting for Ron Howard this week to find out more about what went down at the shoot for the film. Oliver claims he’s a close personal friend of Howard’s ā€“ or RonRon as he calls the Apollo 13 director ā€“ having shared good times over a bowl of very hot soup at a Chinese restaurant. Oh, and Oliver saw RonRon’s nipples. 

We get plenty of very funny flashbacks and the killer’s identity is kept hidden for most of the episode. The episode still doesn’t reveal exactly what happened on that fateful night that Sazz was killed, but we’re finally getting an idea of who might be behind all of this. 

Episode 9 also manages to take the piss out of big, sci-fi action franchises as the trio manages to weasel their way onto the set of Howard’s latest (fictional) film, Escape From Planet Klongo by pretending to be background actors. Charles and Oliver have a big row in front of the camera, dressed in motion capture suits, which is an image I won’t be able to forget. 

The episode might very well be one of the funniest of the season, but also manages to move the plot forward. The middle episodes of season 4 have severely lagged and the plot has seemingly been at a standstill for several episodes now but episode 9 finally brings us close to solving the crime. 

As most penultimate episodes, episode 9 ends on a huge cliffhanger, setting the scene for next week’s finale. Join us again as we dig deeper into the final episode of Only Murders In The Building season 4. 

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