Silo season 2 episode 7 review | iPads and swim gear

silo season 2 episode 7
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Silo 18’s residents are becoming increasingly distrusting of Mayor Holland and Juliette is going for a swim. Here’s our review of Silo season 2 episode 7. 

Spoiler warning! This review only discusses broad plot points in this week’s episode, but will go into further detail with all previous episodes!

Silo season 2 episode 7 starts where last week’s ended. Mayor Holland (an excellent Tim Robbins) made Lukas Kyle (Avi Nash) shadow as he was decrypting Salvador Quinn’s letter. We know that Quinn was someone who lived in silo 18 roughly 140 years ago and he probably had something to do with the rebellion. Considering silo 18 is on the verge of another one, Mayor Holland is worried about the contents of the letter. 

Making Lukas his shadow allows Mayor Holland to let him into a really big room, filled with relics and books and… an iPad? An AI computer helps Lukas get to work in figuring out the code, while Mechanical shoot off a rocket that releases hundreds of notes that say the residents of the silo are being lied to. On top of that, they turn off the power everywhere except IT, which is a very clever tactic of turning people against the mayor. Very clever indeed. 

Over in silo 17, Solo (Steve Zahn) still isn’t willing to let Juliette go, at least until she f Fixing it requires Juliette to dive down very deep and as Solo excitedly tells her, getting down without dying isn’t the only issue at hand. It’s coming up. Go too fast and you’ll die from the pressure changes. Fun times, eh?

silo season 2 episode 7 common
Credit: AppleTV+

Elsewhere, Sims and his wife are trying to come to terms with what’s going on and what role they play in it, Knox and Shirley acknowledge that kiss they shared in episode 6 and we finally find out who poisoned Mechanical’s food. If that sounds like a lot, it is a lot. The further we dive into season 2, the more unbalanced Silo is getting. Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely loving this season, but it feels like I’m only loving half of it. 

I’ve mentioned before that Juliette’s segments are feeling a little light and less interesting than the burgeoning rebellion in silo 18. Episode 7 feels perhaps the most unbalanced of the episodes so far as it hops between Juliette’s attempts to fix the pump and everything that is going on in silo 18. 

Both narratives are interesting, but a lot less happens with Juliette. I can’t quite tell how long it has been since Juliette left silo 18, but with how little is happening over in silo 17 compared to 18, I’m starting to wonder if more time has passed in silo 18. I’m probably wrong, but that’s how it’s starting to feel. 

Episodes 1 and 2 worked so well because they found the time to focus on each silo and their events. As the season has progressed, there seems to be less time for Juliette as Holland’s silo is slowly, but surely unravelling. With only three episodes to go, it remains to be seen if Silo can find the right balance before the end of the season. 

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