British movie podcast of the week: We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Movie

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Our movie podcast recommendation of the week – with the swears bleeped out – is We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Movie! And here’s why. Just like the famous scene in Jaws, as the main characters realise the magnitude of the situation they’re facing, here at Film Stories we know you expect a great movie podcast each week; a movie podcast that covers big movies. Movies are plentiful, complex and occasionally have sharp teeth (probably) and when faced with a behemoth of movies, the only thing you can confidently state is “We’re gonna need a bigger movie”, and that’s where this week’s featured podcast comes in. The aptly titled We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Movie podcast isn’t actually named after that famous scene in Jaws, it was just a title they all liked. The podcast was originally called Rob and Darren Made a Podcast, but any SEO executive will tell you that search engines like more descriptive titles, and they felt that We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Movie worked better for them. With the country in lockdown last year, and a history working together on forces radio, the podcast was born of duo Rob and Darren, and further tweaked with the assistance of friend and regular collaborator Matt. The We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Movie premise is settled on an A-Z of cinema format, selected by Matt, with the caveat that each title must not have been seen beforehand by either Rob or Darren. They’ve since completed season one of the first A-Z film list, and next season will be an A-Z of actors, again in films unknown to both Rob and Darren, each picked by Matt. All the team pitch in behind the scenes; Rob on the editing and distribution, Darren on research and Matt on social media management. It’s a slick and finely tuned podcast, recorded in a live virtual studio no less. Episodes of We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Movie come in under an hour, making them very easy to listen to during a lunch break, or on the commute. Unlike most movie podcasts too, they’re clean language, which doesn’t mean they don’t drop the occasional swear, but it’s rather hilariously bleeped out. Clean language also doesn’t mean the podcast is devoid of humour or friendly banter, and the chemistry between Rob and Darren is apparent from the get go.  We’d highly recommend giving We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Movie a listen. You’re gonna need a bigger podcast app, though…   Recommended episode: (10 August 2021) – W is for World’s Greatest Dad – We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Movie can be found at And followed at: Twitter –  Facebook – All episodes of We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Movie are available and can be listened to or downloaded from Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts from.Thank you for visiting! If you’d like to support our attempts to make a non-clickbaity movie website: Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here. Become a Patron here.
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