Mental Health & Wellbeing Matters: feeling suicidal

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In our place on the site where we chat about mental health and wellbeing, one or two words for those at the very end of their tether. There are a million better websites to have this chat than ours. I know that. I’m glad you’re reading, but we’re film nerds here. However, you’re reading, and hopefully if you are, we’ve caught you in time. Inevitably there’s a trigger warning here. To a degree, that’s sort of the point, but still: we’re going to be going to some darker than usual places with this article. Do bear that in mind. This piece is for those of you out there who are towards the end of your tether, who feel like you can’t go on. It’s not designed to be a definitive guide or anything. But this is important to us, because as much as you’ve given enough of a shit about us to seek our site out, we give a shit about you. Yeah, it’s the internet, it’s all impersonal etc. But we’re all humans here really. Donā€™t let any bugger tell you otherwise. Firstly then: if you’re feeling like you want to end things, would you please just stick with us a few more minutes? Just reading this piece, or the site, or faffing around in the comments? You’ll have to get over our terrible taste in films, but we’re long past being able to do anything about that. Just stick with us if you can. Let’s get through these next few minutes first. I can’t pretend to know what you’re up against personally, or what’s brought you to this point. I’ve not really got much right to ask this. But would you be able to wait until tomorrow, and see how you feel? 24 hours, as I’m sure you know, can change a lot of things. Before taking such a final step, please build in as much time as you can. A bit of time doesn’t solve too much of course. I’m conscious of that. Can I put forward a few admittedly fairly obvious things, but just in case they’re any use?
  • Is there anyone you can talk to at all? It might not feel it, but do try if you can. Everybody might look really busy, and they very probably are. But that doesn’t mean they’d not want to help you. Just because their everyday persona suggests theyā€™re not interested in how you feel, it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s so. Please give them the chance if you can. If they really knew how you were feeling, the strong likelihood is they’d want to help you. Please give them the chance if you can.
  • If you can’t talk to them, would you try giving the Samaritans one call? It’s free. They’re there because they actively want to help. Their phone number is 116 123. Or you can email, but it may take them a little while – still around a day maximum – to reply. Their email is
  • Can you go for a walk? Watch your favourite film? Read a book? Just do something that takes you out of your present environment right now?
  • If possible, get anything out of the way that you may be tempted to harm yourself with.
  • Don’t take drugs, alcohol, anything like that. Not now.
  • Please please please: just buy yourself time. Space. Don’t act now. At least see how you feel tomorrow.
There are some brilliant resources out there, from much better sites than this one. Mind’s is terrific, for instance. Itā€™s much better than this site, and has far better advice. But still: I just want to thank you for reading this, and taking the time. There’s some brilliant films coming up later in the year, and we look forward to nattering about them. Tell us in the comments what you’re looking forward to? Thank you for being our reader. We do appreciate you. Iā€™m not sure any of this has helped you, but please chat and reach out. Sending you the very best. ā€” To Mark, Dean, Julian and Mike. I know you can’t read this. I wish you’d said. I wish you could see how much you’re missed. x      
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