28 Years Later | Third film to start shooting in March

28 years later
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The new 28 Years Later trilogy already has two films in the can ā€“ and now Danny Boyle will be directing the third from March.

Howā€™s this for a U-turn? Around a month ago we covered a story in which Danny Boyle announced that he would be directing the third film in the upcoming 28 Years Later trilogy, while also adding that the film wouldnā€™t be shot until the first film was out. In other words, after the release of 28 Years Later this summer.

Plans appear to have now changed, with World Of Reel pointing to a listing on the Film & Television Industry Allianceā€™s Production Listing site which has the currently-titled 28 Year Later: Part 3 listed as a March shoot. Thatā€™s March as in next month. Yikes.

Should that listing prove to be accurate, it means that Boyle (and director of 28 Years Later: The Bone Temple, Nia DaCosta) will have completed production on all three 28 Years films before the first one hits cinemas in June of this year. Thatā€™s some going. Given that The Bone Temple is then slated for a January 2026 release, some six months after the first film, could we be looking at a similar stretch of six months between the second and third films? That would mean that 28 Years Later: Part 3 (or whatever its eventual title is) would arrive in late summer of 2026, marking one of the quickest trilogy releases we can think of.

Weā€™ve published our thoughts on where the new films could take the story, given that plenty has happened in the near three decades since we last visited an infection-ravaged UK. Of course, the upcoming filmā€™s trailer also gives away a few hints, but despite being shot on iPhones, all of the death and destruction that is bound to be served up looks very beautiful and less grungy than the 2002 original.

Thereā€™s also a trailer to whet your appetite, but should this report prove to be accurate then we wonā€™t need trailers for parts two and three, because the gap between them is so tiny that we can simply gird ourselves and hold out without a glimpse of whatā€™s coming next.

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