Watch a new film that talks about mental health, young people and hope.
Back in 2018, two young people with care experience, got in touch with the charity Front Lounge in Dundee. Their plan? To put together a film about mental health. That film would cover the stories of a trio of young people – Andrew (17), Chris (30) and Zoe (25) – living in Scotland, and facing mental health challenges.
And that film became Foolish Optimism.
With some crowdfunding support, and the work of Dundee filmmaker Nathaniel Inatimi (along with Kyle Henderson and Chika Inatimi), Talking Heads – which picked up help from the Big Lottery’s Young Start Fund too – the 20 minute short film was completed.
It’s a film that comes with a warning about the themes in it, with topics such as depression, addiction and suicidal thoughts amongst those discussed. You can find out more about the film’s background here
And you can watch the completed film below…
Huge congratulations to all involved.