Geostorm arrives on Netflix UK today

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Gerard Butler stars in a film by the name of Geostorm, that’s now available on the Netflix streaming platform for your viewing pleasure. It seems right to offer you a public service announcement. The film Geostorm, starring Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess, Abbie Cornish, Andy Garcia, Ed Harris and lots more people is one that doesn’t have a huge amount of fans. But it does have me (my original review lives at my old home, here). I think it’s a terrifically entertaining slice of fun, a film that was a notoriously troubled production that somehow managed to come out the other side in some form of tact. It ain’t an Oscar-winner chums, but if you’re in the mood for something that’s just entertaining, has about 16 plots, Gerard Butler just coming in from space, and one of the most WTF explain-y scenes of modern cinema? Well, today is Geostorm day. I covered the story of its troubled production for the 50th Film Stories podcast, and you can find that right here… Happy viewing! — Thank you for visiting! If you’d like to support our attempts to make a non-clickbaity movie website: Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here. Become a Patron here. See one of our live shows, details here.
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