Interesting new UK Kickstarter movie project surfaces

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Fancy exploring the nature of transcendent religious experiences set in a derelict near-future London? Then you’re in luck. An interesting UK-based film project has appeared on Kickstarter, that might just be worth your attention. Describing itself as a near-future psychodrama themed heavily on the isolation and disconnection caused by the Covid pandemic, Zealot certainly looks like it possesses an interesting premise.  Also worth noting is that the folks behind it have vowed to use inclusion riders and fair pay for all involved. The planned film is being produced by Orange Door Pictures. Here’s a brief description in their own words: ‘The world of Zealot is what ours could look like in a few years time. It’s a version of the future where we are losing our way. We think we are more connected than ever, but as everyone is lulled deeper into life online, a toxic culture grows, breeding cynicism and separation. COVID-19 is over, but the ghost remains. It’s as if the two-metre rule has never really left people… the zeitgeist is murky and the streets are unkind. Zealot asks you to sit in that feeling for a moment. This is a story that taps into the essence of our time; the blurred lines of mental health, the dominance of social media, the constant reflection between our real and virtual selves and how easy it is to feel like you’re falling through the cracks.’ There’s plenty more to look at regarding this interesting concept; you can find out more by following the link here. ———— Thank you for visiting! If you’d like to support our attempts to make a non-clickbaity movie website: Become a Patron here. Sign up for our email newsletter here. Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here.
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